Obviously, the larger the list of your subscribers, the higher the chances of getting sales. But what is the point if the contacts are far from perfect? The addresses are entered with syntax errors or repeated, real people are not assigned to the names, and the audience itself is not your target one. It’s true, there’s no point! Therefore, the development of a list of mailers is the main task of an experienced marketer. This marketer knows exactly what is an email address. Whether it deserves attention or needs immediate removal. Special services, cloud-based email data validators help make quality checks. And verification concerns two main components of the address: mail prefix and domain. Based on the results, you can understand whether a particular contact is valid, temporary or invalid. How to find out is the email address valid, as well as which service to choose as your assistant, read more on that in a bit.
Email prefix
The mail prefix is displayed to the left of the @ symbol. Its maximum limit is 64 characters. Email prefix is a combination of any letters of the alphabet, numbers and special characters, such as: #! % $ ‘& + * – / =? ^ _`. {| } ~ A period can also be part of the prefix part, however, in this case, some restrictions apply.:
a period must not be the first or last character; two or more periods should not stand in a row in one prefix.
The software that you have chosen to check email data is required to check the prefix part for compliance with the length, spelling and arrangement of special characters. If the results of the check show that the address is correct, the status “valid email” will appear opposite this contact.
Email domain
The email domain, or domain name, is displayed to the right of the @ symbol. This is a series of letters and numbers that belongs to a particular postal service provider. A domain’s peculiarity lies in its uniqueness, with each of them taking its place on the World Wide Web. The domain part, like the mail prefix, has its own upper limit, which should not exceed 255 characters. The domain must comply with the specification for host names, which is a list of dotted DNS labels. At the same time, each DNS label is a set of letters, numbers and hyphens, which in total should be up to 63 characters. The following restrictions apply to DNS labels:
a domain cannot begin or end with a hyphen; top-level domain cannot contain only numbers.
The agency that determines the validity of email address, first of all, checks for the relationship between a specific mailer address and domain. Does such a domain name exist? Is the domain valid or is it already dead? What the reputation of this or that contact / domain is, etc. The specificity of such verification requires a deeper study of the data than the stage of validation of the mail prefix. However, the results are worth it. This approach provides a tighter audit of your list, which guarantees its purity in all respects. This way your campaigns will be more likely to succeed. And this, in turn, allows you to get the desired conversions and increase profits.
How to know if an email address is valid?
Every marketer at least once in his life puzzled over the question is the email address valid. But modern technology allows you to forget about these difficulties. So premium email data verification services take care of all the routine. Quality verifiers are able not only to check the domain, but also the folder with incoming letters to make sure that both are real. This way you are freed from the tedious verification of the data you have collected. Some web platforms offer an extra level of security that can be integrated into your site. When registering a user, if the mailer is invalid, he will receive an error message. After the system will require you to enter valid data. This way you can receive exceptionally valid emails. In addition, the system will impede the underground work of bots that so willingly fill sites with fake registrations. Keep in mind one important point. Not all active accounts, even those that have a high percentage of your newsletter delivery, are really high-quality. There are types of addresses that can pretty much tarnish your reputation and turn into legal problems. Here are these three: Fortunately, there are services that automatically suppress all these types of addresses, protecting you as a sender and increasing the effectiveness of campaigns. They know for sure what is the email address. And they provide the result in the form of a real contact, which is exactly the place in your marketing funnel. One such professional software is Proofy, a free email validator that can take your advertising campaigns to a new stage of development.
Free email validator from Proofy
Proofy Cloud Web Service is a fast and high-quality mass email verification without any applications or programs on your PC. Contact verification is done through the agency’s servers, so your reputation for IP addresses is safe. All you need to do is upload a list of email addresses and get the results. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the number of checked mailers. Validation algorithms do all the work for you. You can register by clicking on the link https://proofy.io/free-email-verifier/. After that you will be given 500 free checks, as well as the opportunity to earn up to 30,000 checks additionally and get a 40% discount on all tariff plans for the promotional code. It is unlikely that among those who have valid emails, someone can offer you something cooler! So don’t waste your time!