It’s the moment that every developer both looks forward to and dreads. Your app is taking off, and you can no longer handle the queries coming through to your business. It’s wonderful news because it means that your app is gaining traction. You may, however, dread the expensive and time-consuming process of setting up your in-house call center. You know that if you don’t provide clients with a dedicated line, service levels will drop, but who wants to take on that expense? What if there was another way? In this post, we’ll discuss outsourcing your service line to professional Support as a Service company SupportYourApp. We’ll consider the pros and cons of outsourcing technical support, allowing you to make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you or not. Is outsourcing always the correct solution? It would be naïve to say, “Yes.” The answer is that there are both advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing technical support. You must consider both before making your final decision.
What are the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outsourcing Technical Support?
The Pros
Your business saves:
On employee costs and benefits: You’re not directly responsible for hiring employees to operate the phone lines. Through access to a global talent pool: Companies operating in different areas worldwide may have lower overheads. You’ll save by hiring them over a locally based company. Infrastructural expenses: Maintaining the network, office space, and technology that the consultants use is the outsourcer’s responsibility, not yours.
Improved Service Quality
Providing technical support as a developer is relatively simple. Doing so without making the client feel silly is not. Customer care requires a careful balance between providing a solution and being tactful. Clients should leave the call feeling good about themselves. That’s why it’s more important to have employees that are good with people on your team. It’s easy enough for agents to learn about your product. Service consultants are trained to deal with several customer types and situations. They’re adaptable and adept at listening to the client. They’re able to match their approach to the client.
State of the Art Technology
Your firm might not require the latest in communication software. A company for whom communicating with clients is their core business will. By leveraging their resources, you gain access to the newest technology without the capital outlay.
If someone in your office is sick, there’s usually a mad scramble to find a replacement. Outsourcers have redundancies built in to deal with consultants that take time off.
Multi-Lingual Support
Does your app have a global target market? Take a quick show of hands at the office to find out how many people speak a second or third language. The chances of you having employees that speak several languages across the globe are slim. Outsourcing to an international provider gives you access to support in several languages. Clients appreciate this touch because it’s simpler to explain and understand queries in their mother tongue.
Access to IT Expertise Outside of Your Area
Firms providing IT support work with consultants trained in the area. The consultants may have experience with coding, development, system administration, and a wide range of other regions. As a result, they may be able to help your client with non-app related queries. Say, for example, that the client’s Windows settings are blocking one of the app’s features. Someone with experience in IT would know to check for such issues.
Objective Opinion
One of the areas where a third-party organization is perhaps the most valuable is getting an objective opinion. Professional companies will ask their team members to use your app to gain familiarity with it. They’re then able to provide valuable feedback about the features and usability.
Are you launching a new app? If you’re using third-party support, you may simply notify them that you’ll need extra help during the launch. Once the rush is over, you downgrade your package again. With an in-house support center, it’s not as simple. You’re unlikely to have the capacity to deal with a surge in calls. Even if you do, there’s the question of what your employees will do during off-peak periods. Now that you know the benefits let’s look at the downsides.
The Cons
Monitoring Quality Might be More Difficult
When you’re not in complete control of the system, you must rely on the firm’s statistics. Reputable firms provide you with several customizable reports and copies of phone calls. When considering a new contract, be sure to check the service level agreements. Also, ensure that the firm allows you to monitor calls at random and download reports when you like.
Knowledge About the Organization
As none of the agents work directly for your organization, the information they have may be limited. Good players in this field ensure that they train their consultants thoroughly on your product. You may mitigate this risk by providing an extensive knowledge base and a list of the answers to common questions.
Should You Outsource Your Client Service?
What soon becomes clear in this analysis is that outsourcing provides numerous benefits. It allows small to medium developers to support a par with the big players in the industry. Choosing a team already trained in delivering outstanding service makes sense on several levels. Companies that provide such support bring the requisite skills and technology to the table. You’ll lose some control over the logistics, but that’s a good thing. It means not having to worry about absentee employees, upgrading office space, and other administrative functions. Good providers in the industry allow clients to access calls and reports on demand. They provide a wealth of data that firms may use to monitor service quality. The only question remaining is when to make the switch. The optimal time to switch over is when you notice that support queries are picking up. Getting in ahead of the curve means that there’s less chance of a service delivery failure. Overall, investing in an outsourced solution saves your company money while giving it a service advantage. Can you afford not to offer outstanding support for your clients?