The Galaxy S7 has spent around four years on the market, with its unveiling in March of 2016. However, Samsung has continued to ensure that the device is constantly updated. The January security update has already been released for Galaxy S7 users in the UK, for now it is limited to users with O2 as their carrier.
Samsung Galaxy S7 The update brings no sort of new features or improvements, rather just comes with the latest security fix. Currently, the update is out only for Galaxy S7 users but is expected to debut on the Galaxy S7 edge anytime soon. It wields firmware version G930FXXS7ETA7 and can be easily installed over the air from the phone’s Settings» Software update menu.
You could also follow another route and get the update by downloading the firmware for the new update from Samsung’s firmware archive and then proceeding to install it with a Windows PC. With the new update, you can effectively ensure that your Galaxy S7 maintains its level of security, and also keep your device protected. References