Republic phone service reviews on Trustpilot website

Trustpilot was the first site I found reviews of Republic’s phone service and the site has an overall star review rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars which is quite high. Some of the good reviews were about how friendly and helpful their customer service was. A lot of customers were also happy with their purchases from Republic Wireless and their services. Here’s one of the reviews: There were not many bad reviews but there was a fair amount. Some customers had frustrations trying to activate their new phones and charges. There were also some complaints about their 5.0 plans and number porting. Here’s one: This responsiveness was exceptional. RW has a good reputation for good support and it is well deserved. It was outstanding. (Source)

Republic phone service reviews on Best Company Website

Another site I visited was the Best Company site and the site had a good overall star rating of 4.2 stars out of 5. The affordability of Republic’s plans and phones were praised. Some spoke about how flexible the plans were and how they are able to add another gb of data anytime they needed it for $5. Here’s one of the good reviews: There were very few bad reviews and the complaints were about their customer service and the fact that Republic Wireless doesn’t support iPhones. Someone also complained that the phones don’t have some needed features. Here’s one of the reviews: Last Words After reading through a lot of reviews on different sites, I think Republic Wireless deserves a try. They still have some areas they need to work on but they seem to know what they are doing.

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