Digital technology has changed the landscape of education and today there are more tools available than ever before. This, of course, brings about its own challenges seeing that the pace that technology and applications evolve at is faster than they can be adopted in education. To get the best apps for education, you need to do some digging and sifting. In the past, the more expensive something was, the better the quality, but when it comes to apps, there are some pretty decent ones that won’t break the bank.

The tech giants

There are a couple of names that are synonymous with technology, namely, Google, Apple, Android and Windows. All of these companies have realized the potential that education holds for their companies. They have invested many millions in developing educational tools. Google apps for education is one such a package that is offered free of charge. If you have ever wanted class apps that you can afford, then look no further. Google offers an entire suite of apps for schools and it is entirely free. From the cloud space to the apps and the learning management system. All you have to do is to prove that you are a tech admin at a school and you are set to Run one of the most user-friendly and most comprehensive educational suites.

Apps for the individual

Teachers, lecturers and schools alike have the freedom to choose any technology that they see fit. That does not mean that you as a student have to stick to what they prescribe. You can also surf the web and get assignment writing help for those assignments you just don’t have time for. It could be dissertation, thesis, college essays, or any writing work for that matter.

There is no end to the amount of help that you can get off the net. The only thing that you should be wary of is not to become entirely dependent on these tools. They are only there to assist you, not do the work for you. Another useful source topicsmill, is a service that can help you find interesting or controversial essay topics at the drop of a hat. It is a fine line, but in the end, you need to be able to say to yourself that you actually learned something and that you can apply those skills to different situations.

Features to look out for

Application for graduate school are so diverse and there are many of them that essentially do the same thing. Obviously, the first thing that you should look at is what you can afford. From there, you need to determine what features you want your apps to have. Some applications like the Google Suite is a comprehensive suite that will cater for most of your needs, including communication, assessment and content generation. The other major feature that you need to be aware of is whether the software of the application that you intend to use requires a local server or whether it is hosted in the cloud. If your institution does not have its own server, then it would be advisable to turn to a cloud-based server.

Assessment and quiz apps

Digital assessment has been scrutinized and it was argued that there were not enough applications and variations that could be utilized to produce decent assessments. All that has changed and there are now a host of applications with capabilities that could only have been dreamed about in the past. Quiz apps like Kahoot make it possible for a teacher to set quick quizzes to check the understanding of the students in real-time. As they complete the quiz, the teacher can monitor the areas where the kids lack understanding and address those shortcomings. Apps like Seesaw is more of a motivational app than anything else. With this app, kids create portfolios and share their best work. Parents can login and also see how their kids are progressing.


It seems as though apps are here to stay and teachers all over the world have their work cut out for them. Back in the day, they had to struggle to get any resources to help them out. Now, they have so much to choose from. Getting the best app can become challenging, especially seeing that there are so many to choose from. Not only that, but as soon as you find something that works for you, something new comes along. Ultimately, you need to get something that works for you.

Author Bio:

Elizabeth Skinner is an academic expert working to increase the use of technology in the classrooms to upgrade the traditional pedagogy. Several schools and colleges have witnessed sea changes in their education system with her ideas and advice. In her free time, she meditates, reads spiritual books and learns new languages.

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